Its of a time when India had started seeing color TVs in their home. I think the Asian Games happened that year.Delhi saw new flyovers, New Okla Industrial Development Athourity (Noida) was a jungle nearby. Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister. Some of the people who came into this world were Prithviraj Sukumaran, our protagonist, Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor. A salary of 900 rupees a month was middle class and delhi was a place of opportunities where Punjabis had laid a base culture post their arrival in 1940s and were witnessing the arrival of new neighbors from all parts of India. Immigrants from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana were now being slowly followed by Bengalis, Tamils and Malayalees.
They were coming, many of them post clearing government exams and coming to delhi taking their state sponsored railway ticket and the joining letter. likewise spreading to all parts of India. Foreign travel was still a big luxury but the centuries old trade route between the arabs and Kerala florished with Malayalees travelling to the Gulf, The Tamils went to Malaysia and Singapore, Gujratis to Africa and Punjabis to US, UK and Canada however a capitalist wave eluded India.
A random apartment in the state owned residential area in sarojini nagar has four men renting and sharing a room. Each trying to erect themselves financially, socially with a job in hand. There is an accountant, there is a state employee, a administration guy in a tyre company and an electritian.
Three of them were in the room when the administration guy comes in and says"So Thatcher is having a heavy year. Her son goes missing in a rally and then the Falkland wars,....but not me, i got through to the admin job in an oil company in Riyadh...and are the sweets."
"Oh thats so great you will finally get to leave the shores of the country and go explore a bigger adventure in life. I hope i could follow that road and maybe help Thatcher solve Falkland Islands some day"...said the electritian. All of them had a big laugh on that and congratulated the admin guy...
The Falkland Islands had been a hot issue for Argentina who were defeated by the British to reclaim the Islands. Here in India which loved supporting the Argentina team in football (for some unexplained reason), the sypathies were with the Argentines.
They were coming, many of them post clearing government exams and coming to delhi taking their state sponsored railway ticket and the joining letter. likewise spreading to all parts of India. Foreign travel was still a big luxury but the centuries old trade route between the arabs and Kerala florished with Malayalees travelling to the Gulf, The Tamils went to Malaysia and Singapore, Gujratis to Africa and Punjabis to US, UK and Canada however a capitalist wave eluded India.
A random apartment in the state owned residential area in sarojini nagar has four men renting and sharing a room. Each trying to erect themselves financially, socially with a job in hand. There is an accountant, there is a state employee, a administration guy in a tyre company and an electritian.
Three of them were in the room when the administration guy comes in and says"So Thatcher is having a heavy year. Her son goes missing in a rally and then the Falkland wars,....but not me, i got through to the admin job in an oil company in Riyadh...and are the sweets."
"Oh thats so great you will finally get to leave the shores of the country and go explore a bigger adventure in life. I hope i could follow that road and maybe help Thatcher solve Falkland Islands some day"...said the electritian. All of them had a big laugh on that and congratulated the admin guy...
The Falkland Islands had been a hot issue for Argentina who were defeated by the British to reclaim the Islands. Here in India which loved supporting the Argentina team in football (for some unexplained reason), the sypathies were with the Argentines.